Implementing Conditional Independence and Understanding RCoT
Implemented the Conditional Independence using multiple ways: Using the cross-covariance operator and correlation coefficient Using the Hilbert Schmidt Norm Reference to Section 2: Since the KCIT method for testing Conditional Dependence has disadvantages of the curse of dimensionality and time taken to process. A good approximation was done on KCIT to improve on the issues and hence RCoT was introduced. I have started to understand and get into the depth of it. Reference: Monday I had been assigned to review the RCot paper and understand the first 2 sections in it. Some notes I made during the review, I have noted below. Kernel independent testing is not time efficient and so it cannot be used for constraint-based conditional independence testing as the data sets in these settings are very huge. 2 options presented by the paper RCoT - Randomized conditional...